Things to keep in mind would overclocking your graphics card

EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GBThere are many important things to consider when you’re trying to overclock your video graphics card. In the past, attempting to overclock your GPU would oftentimes result in overheating your graphics card and damaging certain components. However these days, there many safeguards that are put into place that will help protect you from damaging your expensive hardware, as long as you at least somewhat understand what you are doing and you don’t make any rookie mistakes.

Before you get started, figure out what your limits are.

If you want to go about overclocking your graphics card scientifically, then you should probably keep track of all the data in the notebook so that you can compare it see what improvements and changes need to be made.  in order to do this you’re going to need to get some software that’s going to analyze your performance such as a benchmarking software.

Take your time, there is no need to completely blast your video card.

Unless you are an expert at overclocking computer hardware,  we recommend you take your time and slowly move up in performance and speed while keeping track of the temperature of your graphics card. There’s no need to go completely overboard if you are going to utilize all of that video memory and performance.

Be sure to test everything in stressful situations.

If you think that your overclocking efforts are complete and that you are ready to save your settings and move on with your life, we recommend that you first to some stress testing to make sure that your new GPU speed will hold up if you are really taxing your computer with high-performance video games.

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